OnePlus 6 launch is officiallyscheduled for May 16 in London and May 17 in India and China, making it the earliest OnePlusflagship launch in recent years. While we still have a few days to go before the unveiling, almost everything around the upcoming OnePlus 6 has been outed courtesy of rumours, leaks, renders, and company confirmations. With the OnePlus 6 price in India expected around the Rs. 40,000 price mark, the handset will compete with premium flagships such as theSamsung Galaxy S9 and iPhone X, as well as lower-priced flagship phones like the Mi MIX 2S and theMoto Z2 Force, giving it a lot of major handsets to stand up against.
As has been the case with most subsequent flagship generation since the OnePlus One, the price of the OnePlus 6 is expected to be slightly higher than that of theOnePlus 5T. As per a report, the 64GB variant of the smartphone could be priced at CNY 3,299 (roughly 34,700), the 128GB model at CNY 3,799 (roughly Rs. 40,000), and the high-end 256GB variant at CNY 4,399 (roughly Rs. 46,300). These prices will be valid for China; Indian pricing hasn't been leaked yet.
Screen size : 6.28 inch
Processor type : snapdragon 845
No. Of cores : octa core
Screen resolution : 1080×2190
Screen ratio : 19:9
Ram : 6 & 8 GB versions
Storage : 64 & 256 GB variants
Os : Android 8.1 Oreo
(Supposed to have P update)
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